Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Smokers Goes To Hell!!

This morning, I found out that my wife being raped and even have stains on it. This is the fourth times she had endured such pains. I am so going to cursed this bugger who so senang go threw cigarette's buds on my car. KNN, I dunno this bugger is a he/she but I assume this bugger is a he. Not only my car kena, by my housemates kena too. %^&* this motherf**ker.I just don't understand why they need to throw on people's car. Niamah, what wrong with you? Mentally retarded or your cock itchy? Go play far far lah.

(See the dark spot, it will be forever there)

I seriously think that people who smoke really not cool, not cool at all. You think you guys look very impressive with those sticks on your mouth? You are just like those beggars trying to acts cool in front of passerby. You see, you give beggars money, they don't want buy foods, starved themselves but go f**cking buy cigarettes, then smokes at the streets trying to impress people. So I die die won't give them money even they stab them self in front of me. And you smokers look exactly like them.

Sorry to smokers friends of mine. I don't mean to rude or cursing you all, but try put off this smoking habits as it only deteriorate your health and moreover its wasting your money. Smoking not only killing you, but defecting your precious too. Your KKB la. In term of defecting your sperms load, makes your balls sagging and even can shrinks your KKB. (I assumed)

Smokers habits and attitudes are so annoying. Tiu, you'll making this country even more like third world's country. When drives, you smoke, when pee, you smoke, when have sex, you smoke, whatever you're doing and with your mouth is free, you put that damn thing in your mouth. You smoke nevermind, but you throws the buds everywhere, you think is cool? NOOOOO....

 (Wanted to take rifle and shoot them)

Everywhere in Malaysia is full of cigarette's buds. Even in Genting's First World Hotel carpets got cigarette's burned stains. And that Genting place suppose to be a families holiday destination, but when you step your feet into that Times Square, it's like a gateway to hell. For those who don't smoke, they will die soon after going there. Wonder what the Genting's management doing. Who suffers, those pity children and senior citizens lor, they don't knows that secondhand smokers dies faster, and yeah baby, you are killing them (your families member who don't smokes) softly with your precious sticks. Do more la.

Not forgetting those who manufactures cigarettes. You made so much money from these retarded smokers, but the wealth you accumulated is a sin income. See how long your wealth can last. And also to the one who actually invented cigarette, may you enjoy the everlasting eternity hell's life forever.

Last wishes to that bugger, I wish you faster get your mouth and liver cancer. Else, you should go jump off cliff to your death as you are so ill-minded and the world don't need rubbish like you. The Above should strikes this "yan zha" with thunder or lightnings. Go play far far la. People didn't disturb you, you disturb people for what, as though as they like people cursed them. I know I am not supposes to curse people, but this is too insane and fanatic, you know, when your car get scratches or stains, then you need to spray paints all over again. Sigh, I am worried sick bout my coming new wife.


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