Monday, March 8, 2010

More Ban on Books

Yet more books are banned and this time, magazine has no exception too. According to theStar:
The Home Ministry has banned 17 books and magazines for “moral reasons” and because they were deemed unsuitable.

Publications and Quran Text Control Division principal assistant secretary Abdul Razak Abdul Latif said the titles comprised 13 books in Bahasa Malaysia, three in Tamil and one in Mandarin.
He said the titles in Bahasa Malaysia were SENSASI #3, SENSASI -- Majalah Lelaki Millennium, Antara Dosa dan Kasih, Dendam Nafsu Jalinan Nafsu Edisi 2, Jendela Hati Kompilasi Empat Cerita Terbaik, Kama Asmara Edisi 2, Gelora Nafsu #7 and Gelora Nafsu #6. Others are Gelora Nafsu 3 Kompilasi Lima Cerita Terbaik, Tips-Tips Bahagia Bersama Pasangan, Gelora Nafsu 2 Kompilasi Enam Cerita Terbaik, Sensasi Edisi ke-2, and Kamasutra Jawa dan Kuantum Cinta.

The Tamil titles are Aan-Penn Eruttarai Valkhai, Aanmai Kuraivum-Penmai Kuraivum and Sex Exercise while the Chinese publication was Hard Magazine.

The titles were banned under Section 7(1) of the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984. -- Bernama

It makes no sense at all. It seems that the Home Ministry, I mean those group who assigned to ban the books are too dim-witted. I dunno how they reviews the books (or they just ban the books as due to the titles), until it get banned. Banning a book meaning death sentence is being executed for that poor book and it writer.

Books are meant to provide information, gave us more knowledge and most important they are make best companion when we have spare time which are meant only to our-self. It may seem that the content may be implicit or too stimulate for some readers as it will cause the readers to behave mischievously as influence by the book's contents. But I seriously think that pornography which widely available at the Internet and even those handphone's sellers in Malaysia are providing free clips for buyers which makes more ill-society as compare to books. True? Then why not the Home Ministry not take these spare time and raid these premises while "standing there with folding your arms" and pretend nothing has happen? Aren't those are more threatening to our society where more and more teens (even child as young as 8 years old got and handphone) and adults buyers easily own a handphone which can easily downloaded or sharing those implicit stuff?

Moreover, we, the reader, has our own mind which are not insane or lunatics or even maniac till we can't jusge what is right and what is wrong and get influence easily by the books contents. It's one's mind that their choose to act either to the right and wrong way. So banning books is only a zero efforts. What good by banning books? Truly disappointed. 

Please, don't disgrace and tainted our country more as this will truly not represent Malaysia as democratic and freedom of speech country as banning books are banning thoughts.

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