Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I usually sleep with my windows opened and two fans turned on. Sometimes when I almost fall asleep, I heard that high frequency humming of mosquito in my ear, and I'm up again. Fumed, frustrated, and  annoyed, I wanted to kill the bug so much. 
I'm not a very good friend to mosquitoes and I have no compassion for them at all. But there is something in me where keeps me from killing them. I have a beautiful Manjusri over the bookshelf and that the reason not to send the bug to meet King Yama 

Sometimes I just get confused, should I kill them or just find another way to deal with this irritating sucker. To kill them, I'm creating a very bad karma (still, they're living creatures right?) but if I didn't kill it, then the probability I caught in dengue fever is high (actually not enough sleeps and having no compassion). So how?

After a long consideration, the first thing I will do is to ignoring them, as what Thich Nath Hanh said, it's not that the environment around us (for this case, mosquitoes) annoying us but it's our mind that creating some thoughts and discomfort on making us get frustrated and annoyed on the specific thing. I don't know if this works for you but to me, occasionally yeah, cause sometimes I'm too tired and sleepy to caught late in the night to shoo away mosquitoes. Just let them bites or sucks, whatever. Just hope that those mosquitoes that feed on my blood will considerate enough not to bring me viruses. 

The second option would be buying mosquitoes repellent or coils or those mosquitoes electric trap. If these stubborn mosquitoes still want to comes in or near to the room filled with these "poisonous air" to them and died because of these then it must be due to their bad karma or their times is up.

Still sometimes when you're really in a very deep-sleep or having so deep concentration on certain works or things, you will actually don't really care if killing the mosquito. Saying that you'll reborn as one, creating bad karma, no compassion or brutal for killing a mosquito yet will not came across one's mind. 

The Buddha said, "I am the owner of my actions, whatever I do, for good or evil, to that I will bear the karma I created". 

So I guess making myself tired enough only goes to sleep is the best choice. 

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