Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Vi and Wi

One of my colleague call me over and asked me this:

Friend: Hey IT, my notebook got wireless lah....how wor....

Me: So? Good lor ( i thought he wants to show off)

Friend: Hah? Why good? I don't want leh? Faster help me.

Me: Why don't want? People want also don't have. (cause our leased line supporting 200++ users, meaning...super slow)

Friend: Aiyo, don't play la, faster teach me how to remove this damn wireless le..

Me: Then do you saw the double computer icon on your bottom right-hand side on your screen?

Friend: Yeah, then?

Me: Right-click, then you will see the wireless icon and right-click again to disable it.

Friend: So easy wan meh?

Me: Yeah ah, if not you want it how difficult? Another option is just switching off the button on your notebook lor. (I thinking why got such dumb people never notice every notebook have the controller button for wireless)

Friend: Hey still don't have la. How come I don see any anti wireless software there?

Me: Don't 38 la, where got such anti wireless thing? (bit piss off)

Friend: You don't bluff me, I saw your computer have le (he means the company computers). You stingy don't want give me your software.

Me: I raised my voice a little....I really don't have those stupid anti wireless software. You come and show me where I installed it.

Friend: He comes over...Neh this one la, (poking several times on my pc's screen) some more say don't have. Don't want give mean don't want lor.

Me: sweat....he pointed at my antivirus software icon....MR....said properly mah...is VI.RUS  not WIRE.LESS (he pronounced it almost the same, "wiless" and vilus)

Friend: You very stupid lor, I said VIRUS, you thought me said WIRE.LESS.

Me: You only stupid,  pronounce also don't know how. Go pluck out all your teeth la...

Sigh....I don't know I suppose to laugh or angry.

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