Thursday, April 1, 2010

Free Book - Cloud and Water by Master Hsing Yun

Title: Cloud and Water
Author: Ven. Master Hsing Yun
This is a collection of Chan poems. What is Chan? Chan or more known as Zen is to say that the world is an illusion conjured up by each individual's mind, that every thought has the power to produce a retributive future result (known as karma ), and that it is this that decides what form we will appear in during our next life. Enlightenment occurs when we understand this, and nirvana is attained when we are emancipated from the endless cycle of life and death to join the Universal Mind*

Cloud and Water are mainly poems written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The title itself have a significant meaning reflected our daily life, activities and lifestyle. What do it means by cloud and water? Clouds float while water flows on. In movement there is no grasping, meaning in Chan, there is no settling. The cloud and water reflected life of living in the constant moment, always fresh and ready to experience. These poems have been grouped together because of the tone and feeling that they share.

Many of these poems were set down by celebrated masters, while for others their authors remain unknown. Master Hsing Yun has given a brief commentary on each of these verses, giving us the benefit of his many years of deep practice and insight. The commentaries contain many stories and even new verses of their own which shed light on the meaning of the poems.

The poems and the commentaries offer a glimpse of Chinese culture and in particular how Buddhism came to be expressed through the many aspects of Chinese society throughout the ages. With his down to earth comments, Master Hsing Yun has been able to show the relevance of these poems to everyday life, and the universality of Chan.

For some, poems seem boring and dull, while some said it is meaningless yet cannot be understand. But this books, are written in a way that, all poems features on the book are explained in a simple yet easy to understand format. Read it and you will see the book in different light. Download it here. 
* Excerpt from Imperial Tour

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