Thursday, April 1, 2010

Morning No Newspaper

Many people are working in a big building having many other companies occupying in the same building. More accurate, a building has many tenants those type. I am in those myself.

Everyday, newspapers such as theSun and some Chinese's daily will be distributed for free. It's understand that the newspaper distributed are one paper for one people. But some of these greedy ass, they will take a stack yet they think they deserved it. And I tell you, their face thick likes cabbage. I just wondering, they need so much for what? Bring back and wrap shit?

So one day, I was late. So for sure I can't grab myself a copy. It's Wednesday and I wanted a copy cause the paper have books review's on that day.  Coincidentally, I meet this lady holding a stack of the newspaper, many times liao, I saw her happily grab the stack of papers while she thinks she deserved it. Because of her, I misses one. We' were waiting for the same lift. Once we get in, out of curiosity plus a little bit angry, I asked the aunty. (there are two ladies standing in front of us)

Me: Aunty, for what you take so much of the papers?
Aunty: Oh, this one ah? I need to take back for my family to read.
Me: Are you sure? Your family quite big hor?
Aunty: Yeah yeah. They love the paper, easy to read.
Me: Oh, I see. Then you don't think that you take so much, how about those people came late and can't grab a copy?
Aunty: Aiya, they can share with their friends. Somemore, it's their fault, why come so late? 
Me: Wah...I damn piss off, as though as she's saying me.....Then aunty, your family stay apart issit?
Aunty: No ah, why say so?
Me: Then why not you share with your family, 2 copies is very sufficient. 
Aunty: (She angry liao) You don't understand wan lah!! (her voice raised a bit)
Me: Yes I really not understand. Not understand why got people so greedy need take so much for "theirrrr" family
Aunty: She keep quite.....then suddenly...Is none of your business
Me: I angry liao.....Is my business, because of people like you, many people and me can't get a copy today. 
Aunty: Nah, take one la....Then she hand me a copy.
Me: Nevermind, keep for your datuk, else he piss off cause he can't get his "owwwn" copy today. 
We: .....silent tilll I get out from the lift. Those ladies in front of me are giggling.
(This conversation was in malay)

This aunty is an Indonesian. I think because she want take those papers back for sell. Anyway, hope she understand the difficulties she brought for other. If she is a Chinese, I not dare to ask, cause, Chinese aunty will scratch you at the face and even shoot you before I can say another sentence. Hahaha.

This type of people can easily be spotted. They exist in every companies, any places and anywhere. Let spot them to see does this people exists in your working place or you is one yourself. Hahahhaah.


  1. why no face de? should snap her photo ma.. aiyoyo...

  2. Will you able to snap ppl pics while u talking to someone?


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