Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Oneness With All Life - Inspirational Selection from A New Earth

Title: Oneness With All Life - Inspirational Selection from A New Earth
Author: Eckhart Tolle
Publisher: Penguin Book
ISBN: 9780452296084

Back Cover text
Your inner purpose is to awaken. It is as simple as that. You share that purpose with every other person on the planet because it is the purpose of humanity. Your inner purpose is an essential part of the purpose of the whole, the universe and its emerging intelligence. Your outer purpose can change over time. It varies greatly from person to person. Finding and living in alignment with the inner purpose is the foundation for fulfilling your outer purpose. It is the basis for true success.

This book is the perfect gift for a friend or those who might feel bored, meaningless, unhappy, feel lost, and depress in their current life now. The book is actually compose from selected essential phrases and paragraphs picked by Eakhart Tolle that he feels are most important and reorganized from the book A New Earth. As this book might be or might be not suitable as a introductionary  for a reader new to Tolle's writings, therefore you can get a copy of A New Earth, which is also Oprah's 61st book club selection, to those who wants to gets deeper insight into his prominent work such as The Power of Now, Stillness Speaks and Guardian of Being.

Here is a part that I love the most in the book (I worry that I may get into copyright violation, so I simplified it)

Choose any object either a pen, a chair, or a plant and explore it visually. Look at it with great interest and almost curiosity. Avoid any strong personal association with that object or with any writing on it. Relaxed and give complete attention to the object. 
   If any thought arise, don't get involved in them. It is not the thoughts you're interested in but the perception itself. For example, Look without the little voice in your head commenting, drawing conclusion, comparing or relating to the past. 
  After a couple of minutes, let your gaze wander around the room. Same thing to the sound that present in around you. Some may be pleasant and some may be bad. Don't differentiate between good and bad. Allow as it be. Remember don't interpret it. - Oneness With All Life, pg 11.

In this, I learned that, when we perceives something without interpreting or labeling the object either it's a thing, sound, human or an animal, with our first sight at these objects, for sure our little mind inside our head start labeling, giving names and judging it. By using the method above, we can really start seeing things in difference perspectives. In this way, not only we can practicing on free from observance where our ego, being bias and "not judge the book by its cover" symptoms are not the being the main thought of giving someone or something some mental labeling without getting to know them, learned them in the first hand. By this, you will really can become a happier and pleasant person.

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