Title: A Doctor in the House - The Memoirs of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
Author: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad
Publisher: MPH Group Publishing
ISBN: 9789675997228
I damn like this cover picture of Dr M, he look cute, humble and feel like hugging him. : P
Back Cover text
The West has called him recalcitran, racist, anti-Semitic and arrogant. The developing world, however, sees formoer Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as a visionary champion, the rare leader who gave every Third World individual reason to stand tall. Even his harshest critics cannot deny that, above all else, he gave some of the most neglected countries courage, showing the way to a more hopeful future.
But it was not without controversy. His 22 years at the country's helm has been characterized as both dictatorial and inspiring. Few leaders have been able to turn an entire country from a predominantly agrarian economy into an industrial powerhouse, fewer still have been able to do so within a short two decades.
Here, with surgical precision, Dr Mahathir explores a nuanced history and scrutinies his own role in the shaping of modern Malaysia.
There are total of 62 chapters spanning over 800 pages. Here are the chapters in the book:
Chapter 1
Becoming Prime Minister
Chapter 2
Family Values
Chapter 3
I Am A Malay
Chapter 4
The Story Of The Malays
Chapter 5
From Infatuation To Disillusionment
Chapter 6
A Wartime Entrepreneur
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
A Political Triumph
Chapter 9
The Emergency
Chapter 10
Going To Medical College
Chapter 11
An Alliance Is Born
Chapter 12
From Theory To Reality
Chapter 13
The Tunku Makes A Proposal
Chapter 14
The Bitter Thrill Of Politics
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 I
n The Political Wilderness
Chapter 17
An Outsider's Lament
Chapter 18
The Malay Dilemma
Chapter 19
UMNO Opens Its Doors
Chapter 20
Into The Deep End
Chapter 21
Up The Political Ladder
Chapter 22
A Dream Delivered, A Mentor Dies
Chapter 23
From Education To International Trade And Industry
Chapter 24
Frustrations Of Being Second In Command
Chapter 25
Reaching The Top
Chapter 26
From Ideas To Action
Chapter 27
How Government Works
Chapter 28
Bersih, Cekap, Amanah
Chapter 29
Looking East
Chapter 30
The Europeans
Chapter 31
Anwar Joins UMNO
Chapter 32
Realigning Malaysia In The World
Chapter 33
The Malaysianisation Of Companies
Chapter 34
Constitutional Amendments
Chapter 35
Equitable Affluence
Chapter 36
Islam and Islamisation
Chapter 37
Introducing Privatisation
Chapter 38
Revving Our Engines
Chapter 39
Daim Becomes Finance Minister
Chapter 40
A House Divided: Team A & Team B
Chapter 41
Ops Lalang
Chapter 42
The Judiciary
Chapter 43
Matter Of The Heart
Chapter 44
New Challenges, New Solutions
Chapter 45
Vision 2020
Chapter 46
Marketing Malaysia
Chapter 47
The Growth Of Asean
Chapter 48
Law And Order: Police, Politicians and The Public
Chapter 49
The Multimedia Super Corridor
Chapter 50
PETRONAS Twin Towers
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Currency Crumble
Chapter 53
Anwar's Challenge
Chapter 54
1998: Great Games, Remarkable Gains
Chapter 55
Financial Crisis Fallout
Chapter 56
My Toughest Election
Chapter 57
9/11 And The Muslim World
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
The OIC Furore
Chapter 61
Problems With Singapore
Chapter 62
Legacy And New Dilemmas
First thing first is to thanks Phillip. Because of you, I manage to grab this wonderful book on the launching day itself. This entry is has not much of reviews on the book because I only managed to read a first few chapters. Gomennasai!!
Dr M in his early years
Compare to the recent published book such as
Malaysian Maverick and
Conversation with Mahathir Mohamad, this book is totally organized in a chronological way about Mahathir on Mahathir (this sentence do sound weird huh?). The main focus of this book is not only about Dr M political days but also his lifetime journey before becoming a politician, his rise to power, his achievements and his time after stepping down.
Dr M announcing his resignation at the closing of 2002 UMNO General Assembly in June
Someone do asked me, "Ryan, what the hell do you like about Mahathir so much? You're like collecting every single books that related to him". Well, come let me tell you, I just like him!!. Simple as that. You see, many might have hates him over the bad stuffs that he brings into Malaysia's politics but who never do anything wrong in his/her lifetime right? But if we were to put aside all those political shits, Dr M indeed a man that brings so much developments not for others but to our own country for over the years when he is the PM.
Dr M with the winners of the Petronas Malaysia Grand Prix, 1999
Dr M indeed is a man that makes ideas come true. He brought so many development to Malaysia during his administration as Prime Minister. Most significant are
KLIA, KLCC, KL Tower, Cyberjaya (ICT), Proton, 1998 Commonwealth Games, Formula 1 Sepang and also
Putrajaya. Because of Dr M, now Malaysia is a country that is well known even the movie
I Am Number Four got mention Malaysia this word. (Bad lame joke haha). At least people know where Malaysia is mah!!
Dr M in cleaning campaign
To cut shot my craps, I recommend this book to any Dr M fans out there. It is suitable for people who wants to know more about Dr M. Do you know that Dr M actually took 8 years to complete this book due to his perfectionist manner? The book is launched yesterday at Mid Valley shopping mall and is available at RM100.
A Doctor in the House: The Memoirs of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad gathered almost all of Dr M stories and memoirs over the past 85 years. The book actually very informative but at the same times it touched certain issues that might be too sensitive to some parties. Dr M has said that he has no intentions to hurt anyone when he wrote this book but to tell the real stories over every pages in the book. See, he being so sincere letting people know why you should buy this book. Hahaha
Dr M with Tunku Abdul Rahman
Even the price is a bit expensive to some, still you can browse the book at any major bookstores if you don't feel buying it la...the book is indeed weight like a brick, but still to me it's worth buying, moreover there are many pages spanning at the center of the book featuring Dr M pictures like I what I've uploaded some here. So you sendiri decide want to buy or not la!! Hope can finish reading the book by this week.
By the way, all Tun's books are out of stock in most of the major bookstores!! And the publisher, MPH said the book will now need to be pre-order in order for customers to secure a copy. - 19 March 2011