Saturday, May 8, 2010

Jataka Tales 2 - Demons In The Desert

Long long time ago, there were two merchants getting ready for their business trips to sell their merchandise. Since they were friends, they always traveled together. In those days, in general people traveled with many carts along and the roads they took were not safe because of the unpredictable weather, bandits and demons. Hence it was always better to travel in a group rather than to travel alone.

But due to some festivals are approaching the demands of their merchandise arises. Each of them need to go with 500 carts. There was only one route to the city which they must pass through some narrow jungle routes, it would be too crowded to go at the same time. So they deciding who to go first. Even they were best friend, but when comes to business, who doesn't want the profits and the best?

As each of them have their own way of prediction, one decided that it would be much better to go first as the road will not be rutted, the bullocks will get the best grass, his men will able to get the better fruits on their way and his men will appreciate his brilliant idea as the one who goes first will definitely gets all the benefits as he also can bargain for the best price for being the first on selling his merchandise.

But the other merchant think in another way round, he realized that there were advantages of going second as the his friend's cart will level the roads, his bullocks will eats the old rough grass and new tender shoots will spring up for his and same goes to the fruits. He also will not waste his time on bargaining as he can asked around the prices that his friend offered and he will sell it at the same price or even lower.So he agreed to let his friend go first.

The merchant who went first had a troublesome time. The came to a wilderness called the Waterless Desert. Here was haunted by demons. When they reached the desert, the demon disguised himself and said to the merchant, "Why are you carrying these heavy loads of water? When you reach the oasis not far from here, there is a lake where you can have plenty of water to drink and even bath. Be kind to your bullocks for pulling unnecessarily loads". The merchant is aware that what the local people had warned them about the demon but what's in his mind now was only money and being confident he emptied all his water onto the ground and hurried his men so that they can reach the oasis faster.

As they continued they realized there were no oasis. At the end of the day, they were all tired out and even the bullocks drop to the ground due to the heat and dehydration. When they are too weak to defends they were done by left only bones lying scattered around.

After several weeks, the second merchant began his journey. He and his men were also warned by the local about the demon so he prepares all his men with weapons, water and food and advised them about the demon. When they reached the desert, the demon disguise himself again and do the same trick to the second merchant. Being precautions and aware that is better not to offend the demon, he order his men to empty the buckets of water to the ground. After the demon saw the merchant doing it, he walked away but the demon is not aware that the merchant is asked his men emptied a few buckets instead there are more buckets hidden below the carts.

The demon was so happy that he had tricked the group and he secretly await them in the jungle so he can feast on them. But to his surprise, when the merchant and his men reached the jungle, they all and even the bullocks looks very strong and doesn't look exhausted at all. Knowing the merchant has tricked him back instead, he get enrage and got them in his true form which is big, ugly and frightening.

Since the second merchant had prepared his men with weapons and having so many people, they fought the demon bravely and won they battle. They were happy not because they killed the demon who bring harms to them, but they are happy they killed it for all merchants and people who lost their lives to this monster.

Soon the whole city knew about the monster being slain. Knowing the path is now safe from now and future, the people in the city all thanks the merchant. Not only his merchandise was sold out but he gets many gifts and praises as gratitude from the people. He and his men returned home safety after the trip having enjoys the fame and profits. Soon he learned that he had lose his friend from the villagers, he felt deeply sorry for him and his family.

The moral is: One must not always fooled by sweet talk and must always taken considerations on people advises before decision is made.

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