Tuesday, June 14, 2011

You Sucks

Sometimes a person can just ruin the rest of your day. This mean people, tsk tsk tsk. I can handle most of what comes to me. If I was unhappy with it, so what? I'd start over. But sometimes these people can cause me the most hurt and grief. Cruel people, ignorant people, arrogant people, selfish people, stupid people and 2-faces people. I know I can't change them, but now I can only change myself so that my cells won't dies for these silly people. Correct or not? What for go frustrated yourself over these people?

I am pretty sure enough to know what I can't do with them, but I don't have to enable them either. Like what some old people said, "Got you or don't have you, the world is still stop moving. I have spent the past few days cutting people off that had only bad intentions towards me and these people are the one that's hurting me the most. This included real good friends. You know, your very best friend that you share most of your stories with them, those kind. Once I knew that they would never respect me, this is good. You asked: will I be lonely then? Well hell yeah but having all these sick feeling and stress in my life are even worse. I believe my sanity is more important. Some people are blessed with caring friends, some are even blessed with true friends but why not me?? Must be Karma!! Karma!!

When we're surrounded by people who are constantly pointing out your faults and mistakes, or people who only talks to you when they want something, people who don't talks to you when your not significant to them anymore, then you will be depressed. Who would not wor?? Afterall we're all human what and we need each others to communicate or interacting with what, else you think where does those gossips come from. We need comforting people around us don't we? We need someone who will tell us we are ok when we feel useless, sad, being ignored or hurt. This is what friends are all about.

You tell me I should take actions to help ourselves but it ain't as easy you know. You think I am some yogi with super high EQ? Even some spiritual leaders will throw tantrum. All in all, we just need more people who will help build our self esteem up, not tear it down. 

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