Sunday, October 11, 2009

You've Got To Read This Book!

Title: You've Got To Read This Book!
Author: Jack Canfield and Gay Hendricks

Publisher: Harper Collins

ISBN: 9780060891695

Back Cover text

Q: Can a book really change your life?
A: Absolutely!

In You've Got To Read This Book!, 55 people from all walks of life share their stories of the life-changing power of books:
  • Dave Berry relates his story of the book that, at the tender age of ten, set him on the path to becoming one of America's best-loved humorist.
  • Bestselling author Jacquelyn Mitchard tells why she has read her life-changing book eleven times, before each book she writes and explains the impact this special book has had on her family.
  • Stephen Covey reveals the book that helped to shapehis uniquely powerful approach to success and effectiveness in life.
  • kenny Loggins narrates how a book spurred his recovery from an emotional breakdown and inspired many of his most popular hits.
  • Environmentalist Diane Wilson, sometimes called the "Southern Erin Brockovich," shares story about the book that gave her the strength to do what it took to clean up a polluted Texas bay.
Read about the book that powerfully affected a long list of memorable people, including an award-winning teacher, one of America's top trial lawyers, an octogenarian political activist, a Holocaust survivor, a radio show host, a fourteen-year-old millionaire from inner-city Chicago, a congresswoman, a world-renowned artist, and two Internet legends, as well as a number of successful businessmen and women, sports figures, philanthropists, and others.

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